Here are some of the projects that I'm actively working on and that I've worked on in the past.
WIP static site generator written in Zig and taking advantage of the norg file format for content.
Current coding-adjacent hobby. Deployed several non-producetion services to nodes in my homelab running NixOs. Using Nix has allowed me to almost fully define my entire homelab infrastructure as code, and easily propagate changes and updates from one machine to the rest of my lab.
A web application that visualizes different pathfinding and maze generation algorithms on a two-dimensional grid to serve as a teaching aid for college students.

A Unity game made in two weeks inspired by classic arcade shooters such as Galaga and Asteroids. The player uses inverse propulsion from their ship's blasters in order to move and avoid enemies as attempting to defeat them.

A cross-platform terminal user interface I created to avoid using the groupme mobile and web apps in college.